Cannoneer Class Guide

Banner for maplestory cannoneer class. pirate with cannon weapon.


Cannoneer is a subclass of the original Pirate class that specializes in ranged combat, with a focus on high damage output and area of effect attacks. This class is known for its ability to deal massive amounts of damage to enemies in a wide area and its unique playstyle.

 The Cannoneer can use cannons and has access to a variety of skills that allow them to deal high amounts of damage to enemies in a wide area and provide supportive effects to their party members.

Overall, the Explorer Cannoneer class is a powerful and unique choice for players who want a class that specializes in ranged combat, with a focus on high damage output and area of effect attacks.


Race Explorer

Job Pirate

Class Cannoneer

Primary STAT STR

Primary Weapon – Hand Cannon

Sub Weapon Powder Keg

Maplestory cannoneer class, male pirate with white hair and green eyes holding cannon

Strengths & Weaknesses

Cannoneer has high damage outputExhibits low defense capabilities
Capable of summoning turrets to aid in battle, enhancing overall utility beyond dealing damage.
Excels in AOE Attacks, efficiently eliminating multiple enemies simultaneously.Requires attack speed sources to optimize performance.
Possesses a class I-frame, providing temporary invincibility against enemy assaults.Cannoneer has decent mobbing capabilities,



inner ability

Line 1Attack Speed +1
Line 2Crit Rate +20%
Line 3Boss Damage +10%

Hyper Skill

Cannon Barrage – Extra Strike

Increases Cannon Barrage’s attack count

Cannon Barrage – Reinforce

Increases Cannon Barrage damage

Cannon Bazooka – Extra Strike

Increases Cannon Bazooka’s attack count

Monkey Militia – Enhance

Allows you to enlist additional Monkey Militia

Monkey Militia – Splitter

Lowers Monkey Militia Final Damage, but increases its Number of Attacks


Primary Trio
Sannon Barrage

Monkey Militia

Monkey Fury
Secondary Trio
Rolling Rainbow

Cannon Bazooka

Anchors Aweigh