Buccaneer Class Guide

Banner of maplestory buccaneer class, a pirate with fist weapon.


 Buccaneer is a subclass of the original Pirate class that specializes in close-range combat, with a focus on high damage output and survivability. This class is known for its ability to deal massive amounts of damage to enemies while also being able to withstand attacks.

The Buccaneer can use knuckles and has access to a variety of skills that allow them to deal high amounts of damage to enemies and survive attacks.

In addition to their offensive and defensive abilities, Buccaneers have several supportive abilities that can benefit their party members. For example, they can use Speed Infusion to increase the attack speed of themselves and their party members, and they can use Time Leap to reduce the cooldowns of their party members’ skills.

Overall, the Explorer Buccaneer class is a powerful choice for players who want a class that specializes in close-range combat, with a focus on high damage output and survivability.


Race Explorer

Job Pirate

Class Buccaneer

Primary STAT STR

Primary Weapon Knuckle

Sub Weapon Wrist Band

Maplestory Buccaneer class, Male with dark hair and green eyes, blue serpent.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Buccaneer displays high damage output.Limited attack range.
Possesses skill cooldown reset abilities, enhancing the frequency of attacks.Low damage lines, potentially impacting overall damage output.
Excels at mobbing, efficiently eliminating groups of enemies.Invincibility Frame is tied to burst skills.
Proficient in boss battles.
Exhibits good survivability.



inner ability

Line 1Boss Damage +20%
Line 2+8% Damage when attacking targets with abnormal status
Line 3Attack +21

Hyper Skill

Double Down – Enhance

Increases the chances of rolling a 4, 5, or 6 in Roll of the Dice

Hook Bomber – Extra Strike

Increases the number of attacks for Hook Bomber

Octopunch – Boss Rush

Increases damage when attacking Boss Monsters with Octopunch

Octopunch – Extra Strike

Increases Octopunch’s attack count

Octopunch – Reinforce

Increases Octopunch damage


Primary Trio

Sea Serpents Rage

Nautilus Strike
Secondary Trio
Sea Serpent Burst

Hook Bomber

Corkscrew Blow