Khali Class Guide

Banner for maplestory khali class. thief with dual fan blades.

Welcome to our guide for the Khali class in MapleStory. In this guide, we will help you become a master of the Khali class, Enhancing your gameplay and unlock the full potential of this powerful class.


Khali is one of the newest classes introduced in MapleStory. Khali possesses impressive mobility, allowing her to swiftly navigate the battlefield and evade enemy attacks. Her agile movements and graceful animations make her a visually striking class to play.


Race – Flora

Job – Thief

Class – Khali

Primary STAT – LUK

Primary Weapon – Chakram

Sub Weapon – Hex Seeker

Maplestory Khali class. female thief with black hair and yellow eyes.

Strengths and Weakness

Mobility: Khali possesses excellent mobilityKhali is dependent on Skill Cancelation
High damage output: Khali has high damage potentialSteep learning curve: Khali has complex gameplay mechanics
Strong mobbing capabilities: Khali has a variety of skills that can hit multiple enemiesMobility may become hinderance while bossing
Khali class has two Invincibility FramesKhali has relatively low defense and can feel squishy



inner Ability

Line 120% Chance to Skip Cooldown
Line 2Crit Rate +20%
Line 3Boss Damage +10%

Hyper skills

Hex – Reinforce

Increases the damage of Hex Skills

Hex – Boss Killer

Increases the boss damage of Hex Skills

Void – Reinforce

Increases the damage of Void Skills

Arts – Reinforce

Increases the damage of Arts Skills

Arts – Bonus Attack

Increases the attack count of Arts Skills


Primary TrioArts FlurryVoid RushVoid Blitz
Secondary TrioHex Chakram SweepResonateDeath Blossom